Enoch Olinga
Towards the end of our stay in Haiti, Hand of the Cause Enoch Olinga visited Haiti. I even think he visited us in Les Cayes, but I can’t remember that clearly. What I do remembering clearly is that I had a job offer in Cote d’Ivoire, and a choice. Either I remain in Haiti or move to Abidjan. I asked Mr. Olinga what I should do, and he said: “Go to Africa.” In this picture Aileen is in his arms. Many of our dearest friends are here, including Mrs. Olinga, Nabil Hanna, the young Bahá’í that worked for me, Linda Gershuny, and our Haitian family. Olinga was described as “sunshine bursting through the clouds.” Despite the tests that Olinga faced throughout his life, he was known to often greet others with the words, “Are you happy?” Ruhiyyih Khanum recounted one of his most endearing qualities was his “great joyous, consuming and contagious laugh.” Such was the bounty of meeting him and his wife.