Arrival of Kim

Visit to Ventura County by my mom and Scott after the birth of Kim, and a return visit to  McLean in 1970.

I started University studies in Norfolk, Virginia in the fall of 1969 so could not have joined.

In 1970, the picture around the table in McLean would be just prior to my “easy rider” period. This idea resulted from my first year of University.

I quit school in 1970 after my year in Norfolk which was mostly about experimentation, with ideas, with social activism, with religion (mostly Buddhist thought, meditation classes, psychedelic drugs). I consciously sought and achieved (or still believe I achieved) what was called, “astral projections”, out-of-body-experiences. People often experience this state when involved in a near death experience.

I discussed with Sandy my imminent departure to see the world by motorcycle and find myself, and that I had become Bahá’í. We would next meet in Oxnard, nearly a year later, after my adventure.