18th birthday in O’Fallon

We moved to O’Fallon Illinois in 1962. Scott and I were at the local grade school (5-8th grade for me), Bob at the O’Fallon HS where he graduated. O’Fallon was incorporated as a village in 1874.  The Community Park was established in 1924; it was the center of my life and where I played football and baseball on local teams.   Scott Air Force Base, founded in 1917, was close to O’Fallon, where my father worked. From a hill in O’Fallon, we could watch the construction and completion of the “Gateway Arch” in St. Louis. The population was 3000 at that time, and it was surrounded by corn fields. We kids would collect corn cobs, shell the corn, and then throw handfuls at the aluminium siding of the homes in my neighbourhood. It made a terrible racket inside, but left no marks on the house. It’s what we did for fun. Bob and I both used to “borrow” the family cars when mom was away and occupied with her divorce, or sleeping during the night. Joy rides. I was driving the car at 12 years old. Could hardly see over the steering wheel. Bob totalled our family’s VW. I was never caught, neither by the police, or more important, my mom. There were many close calls.

18th birthday party for Sandy. Take a look at Bobby’s picture. Says it all.